The Year of the Rabbit should present a more peaceful twelve months allowing time to tend to the wounds from the ferocious challenges of last year (The Year of the Tiger). The Rabbit offers a more conservative year, one of contemplative ease specifically suited to calm our nerves, seek higher moral ground, secure our family ties, sharpen our communication skills, be more conscientious and compassionate, offer more acts of kindness, refine our talents, and surround ourselves with mindful tranquility.
2011 is the Year of the Metal Rabbit, which increases strength, intensity and inner determination along with the personal resilience needed to address some of the conflicts of the past year that may linger. The ruling season is the Spring and the most productive hours will occur between 5:00 - 7:00 a.m. giving early risers a definite edge this year. The Year of the Rabbit sits between the Year of the Tiger (last year) and The Year of the Dragon (next year) . . . so it is important to rest well, enjoy each moment, and embrace harmony.