Live Happy.
Live Healthy.
Heads up everyone, a new spa magazine is in the works. LiveSpa Magazine will be launched next month by ISPA, (International Spa Association), the elite association for Spa Professionals. ISPA, recognized worldwide as a centrifugal force in the spa industry, is what we would accurately describe as the expert's experts.
LiveSpa is a magazine for “real people who are looking for real experiences.” Under the competent helm of the Executive Editor, Julie Wilson, we are expecting to see a comprehensive publication focusing on spa education, spa etiquette, spa experiences and expectations, all dedicated to the quest of embracing a peaceful, healthy life.
Regardless of the economy, one thing is certain, everyone in this fast paced world needs a place to catch their breath, gather themselves, get centered, and stay healthy for the long term. Spas, whether local or destination resorts, offer safe havens where we can immerse ourselves in relaxation, rejuvenation, and renewal in order to be more effective as we multi-task our way through life, . . . with an inner glow. A great spa experience can help realign the way we look at our world.
LiveSpa magazine is dedicated to you, the consumer. We are looking forward to the first issue and know it will be a gem that will light up the spa industry and its readers.