It is time to let the Ox lead the way back to the basics. Focus on the most important task at hand. A good skin care routine is essential, but for what purpose? Maintenance, anti-aging, specific skin conditions? Since simplicity rules in the year of the Ox, it is time to forget the fancy schmancy beauty care routines that may not be working well. A great deal of money is spent on beauty products, but are they the right products for you?
What is your skin type? Dry, Combination, Oily? Clear, Troubled, Dehydrated? The year of the Ox places a big priority on heightening skills and knowledge. " If you don't know, you can't grow." The Ox is not a fan of tricky short cuts, so, this is the year to put all of your beauty products on the table and analyze what you are using and why. Is it good for you? Is it doing the job? If the answer is yes, excellent . . . if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If you feel it is time to 'switch it up', then begin with a proper skin analysis to understand what products you truly need and upgrade your skin care regime with a few really good products. Kick the rest to the curb.
The Ox is a saver not a spender, but acknowledges a good investment. A good investment in skin care is a great moisturizing cream and/or serum that is formulated for your particular skin type. You can save on the other end of a skin care line when it comes to cleaners, toners and some masks. Try to commit to one line of products and not the mix-and-match, patchwork-quilt program. The good news is, within 27 days, or so, you will know if it is the right product or line for you.
The Ox is a big fan of tradition which is not a particularly great sign for trend setting or watching. Not too busy to look good, just to darn busy to be watching everyone else. It is a leader of substance over style, darker colors, durable fabrics, simplicity, classic clean lines, modest but neat styles, and fixed patterns. The color of the Ox is violet which expresses relaxation, spiritual endeavors, accumulated wisdom and strength. Violet is the perfect creation from red and blue. Red is the color of courage and freedom and blue is the color of a calming stability.