We have been asked many times about our comment section, or lack thereof, and why we don't offer open discussions to help create a more connected environment. Great question. In short, we would love to. Our problem rests in our previous experience. We used to invite comments, but unfortunately got slammed by spams and so many inappropriate, x-rated comments that we simply did not have the time to deal with sorting through it all. Now that we have grown substantially we are once again looking at opening up a moderated comment section. Please let us know your thoughts on this. Your thoughts and opinions matter to us.
The only rule of thumb is that we will not tolerate negativity in any way, nor will we allow any form of cyber-bullying. Email any suggestions you may have, because after all, we are here for you. While you are at it, let us know what topics you would like us to cover in the near future, send your questions (we promise we will answer each and every one of them) and anything else we can do to make you feel right at home at Beauty Editor Post.
We are also in the middle of launching a 'members-only' Beauty Editor Post Professional Version, exclusive to Beauty Professionals within the Spa and Esthetic community. If you would like to participate send a request for membership email and we will put you on the list.
Again, thanks for your readership and support over the past few years. We have greatly appreciated it and look forward to serving you for many more to come.
Blessings, everyone!
The Staff at Beauty Editor Post