This product is loaded with some great botanical oils like sunflower, macadamia, jojoba, and buckhorn, offering nourishment and regeneration while boosting the health and tonicity of the tissue. These oils are rich with anti-oxidants, flavonoids, vitamins C and E, beta carotene, the essential Omega’s 3, 6, and 9, not to mention revitalizing collagen and some essential minerals needed for regeneration and repair. Don't get the wrong impression, with all these oils this treatment cream does not have an oily slick to the product, but instead a soft emolliency that disappears into the skin. The shea butter component enhances the benefits of the oils, being rich with essential fatty acids (EFA’s) Omega 3,6,9, and ensures the restorative properties of this product. This treatment cream also contains Padina Pavonica, an incredible algae that applied topically stimulates collagen production and improves the elasticity of the skin.
There are also a couple of algae extracts that will promote metabolism and regeneration. The iodine content will promote lipolysis (breakdown of excess fatty tissue) and address that extra cushioning that often appears under the chin as we age. If you are sensitive to algae ingredients, this product may not suit you, but for everyone else this product will offer the “wow” factor you are looking for.