Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Neck Care

A waddle is cute as long as it is not referring to someone’s neck. The neck area is often forgotten when cleansing and applying protective treatment creams until one day we wake up and panic at the lines and loose skin on our neck. The neck area gets a lifetime of abuse from sun, clothing, and being forgotten. The area just under the chin usually escapes the glare from the sun as it is shaded by the chin, but the sides and lower portion suffer dearly. The pigmentation that occurs on the sides of the neck from photo damage (sun) is enhanced as this area is also where we often put perfume, . . . a definite 'no-no' for sun exposed areas.

Muscles that contribute to the firmness and contour of the jaw begin to age and relax causing a weakening in the tonus of the neck. Many women over time develop an increase in the adipose (fatty tissue) just under the chin contributing to the weight, or heaviness, of the neck area and loss of jaw definition. The texture and color of the skin becomes uneven, ruby points and skin tags may develop (especially along the base of the neck), all of which can be improved with some well deserved attention.

The neck area should be treated as automatically as the skin of the face. Cleansing, toning, regular exfoliation, mask application and a cream should be applied to the neck daily. If you are serious about slowing, preventing, or repairing damage to the delicate skin of the neck there are many specific products to care for this area, not to mention treatments that can do wonders. There are incredible serums, masks, creams, light treatments, microcurrent treatments, even exercises all to be considered before invasive procedures. Stay tuned . . . reviews to follow.