Leonard Lauder, Chairman of Estee Lauder, coined a theory called, The Leading Lipstick Indicator, which simply states the economy can be read by the rise and fall of lipstick sales. Some of the darkest moments in the history of the United States, financial and otherwise, are followed by a hefty increase in lipstick sales. That is not to say women throw discretion to the wind. Quite the contrary. Women are smart consumers. They will buy one thing while sacrificing another, . . . it is the perfect order of things. Big value will be switched up for a better value. Feel good purchases will prevail.
Make no mistake, female consumers are a force to be reckoned with. After all, women comprise just over 50% of the population, make over 80% of the purchasing decisions, own 40% of all businesses, employ more people than the Fortune 500 companies worldwide, start 70% of all new businesses for the past decade and control over half the private wealth. That, friends, is what we call the Female Factor.