The facial may have an exotic name and the protocol and massage will support the theme of the treatment and/or the theme of the spa. There will be some form of exfoliating deep cleanse to prepare the skin for the application of the serums and products that will follow. The massage will offer the five classical massage manipulations and may include some pressure point or lymphatic drainage as well. It may include a special type of mask, or possibly one customized for the treatment, finishing with a day cream and perhaps a touch of make-up depending on the spa.
A signature facial may not be the most advanced facial care the spa offers as it will not be that specific. It may not be the quick fix facial either, but it will be the one recommended to new clients to start with. Why? When you do not know which facial you need for your skin, the signature is always a good place to begin. Generally speaking, knowing reputations stand on these treatments, . . . signature facials are rarely disappointing.