Did you know that cellulite is more common in women than men? It is believed that estrogen makes women more prone to developing cellulite whether fit, firm, slim, or carrying a few extra pounds. Cellulite does not discriminate. We know it develops in stages. During the early stages it can only be seen if the skin in the area is pinched slightly to show the dimples. It progresses to a visible orange peel texture. If not cared for it will continue until it presents you with a cottage cheese appearance that others can easily see from across the patio.
There are many ways to deal with this unsightly condition. Of course, healthy living, drinking loads of water, eating fresh vegetables (especially those that are diuretic) and fish does wonders. Avoid the obvious, fried foods, carbonated drinks (including carbonated water), too much red meat, and alcohol. Don't get stuck singing the cellulite blues. Break out those cute little summer outfits and stay tuned . . . help is near.